30 Apr TAKEDOWN – Final Conference in Valencia on June 18, 2019
After 3 years of research, conceptualization and development, the TAKEDOWN project will end in August 2019. For presenting the final results of the project and for discussing the outcomes with international experts, the consortium organizes the final conference of TAKEDOWN. The conference will be hosted by the Valencia Local Police, which underlines the close cooperation within the partnership. The consortium integrates a broad variety of partners such as researchers from criminology, behavioural sciences or security studies, software developers, law enforcement agencies and first-line practitioners as well as industry networks.
Along several topic strands, including the Organized Crime and Terrorism Nexus, the Local and multi-stakeholder P/CVE or the issue of Organized (Cyber) Crime, experts will discuss the outcomes of the project and put them in a broader context for ensuring the sustainability of the project. A particular focus will be put on the two online platforms, which have been developed in the project, as well as on the upcoming edited volume, which brings together the core research results and will be published by Routledge in August 2019.
More information and registration: https://www.takedownproject.eu/conference/